Nachiket Sawwalakhe


My name is Nachiket Sawwalakhe, and I am a student at the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) in Nagpur studying Electronics and Communication Engineering. As a dedicated and motivated person, I am always searching for exciting opportunities to enhance my abilities, broaden my skill set, and find new ways to grow. Each of my projects, both solo and collaborative, has offered this opportunity for development and has helped me establish myself in this competitive sector.

My Projects

(2022 May to 2022 July)

  • Implemented a futurifier for the linear temporal logic(LTL) by using rtamt python liberary and tested with the help of NuSMV Tester.
  • Generated random LTL models and LTL specifications from the tree to verify the results of the futurifier using NuSMV.
  • Visualized and implemented the single-trailer truck model in CommonRoad-io liberary.

(2021 Dec to 2022 Feb)

  • Added the remote control and developed a successful communication between the Pixhawk and actuators via Mission Planner using the CAN-Bus protocol.
  • Implemented the trot, crawl-walking gait using semi-elliptical trajectory and inverser kinematics for a single quadruped leg on hardware.

Trajectory generation for bipedal walking
(2021 June ) [Code]

  • Implemented a 3D linear inverted pendulum model for bipedal walking and generated trajectories for the centre of mass and swing foot.
  • Developed a time sequence of states given a constant COM height trajectory for locomotion.

Trajectory Optimization of Cart Pole
(2021 June) [Code]

  • Generated an optimal swing-up trajectory for a cart-pole system with minimum energy objective and boundary constraints in state and time.
  • Obtained the solution of optimization problem using CasADi Toolbox and simulated the generated trajectories using Matplotlib.

Reconfigurable Robotics
(2021 May ) [Video]

  • Designed a reconfigurable robotic system that transforms between serpentine, wheeled-quadrupedal, and humanoidal locomotion modes without any rearrangement.
  • Developed transition gaits for reconfiguration between serpentine, wheeled-quadruped and biped.
  • Implemented geometric locomotion gaits of serpentine for linear progression, lateral undulation, rolling and rotation and walking gaits of wheeled quadruped for crawling and trotting.

PID Controller using Op-Amp
(2021 April) [Code]

  • Designed a PID control system using Op-Amp which regulate the voltage drop across the system.
  • Implemented the controller in multisim12 and performed the transient analysis for the different set-points.

Manipulation of Robotic Arm
(2020 Nov to 2021 April) [Code]

  • Implemented the forward dynamics, forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and position control of serial link manipulators.
  • Accomplished an end effector trajectory control for a ‘straight line follower' task using inverse kinematics based on Newton-Raphson method.
  • Developed an algorithm for 'Pick & Place' task for UR5 manipulator using PyBullet.

Music Player
(2020 Aug to 2020 Nov) [Code]

  • Designed a simple music player using android studio with basic features
    • Full list of all songs in the device.
    • Separate player for playing the songs with cover photo and other details.
    • Interactive notification widgets and works in the background.

Air Quality Checker
(2020 Aug to 2020 Nov) [Code]

  • Established a circuit to read the data from the sensor MQ-135 and display it on an android app.
  • The connection is developed between an android app and Arduino via ThingSpeak using Wi-Fi Module ESP8266-01
  • The application is capable of monitoring air quality in real time.

Cruise Controller
(2020 July to 2020 Aug) [Code]

  • Designed a cruise controller for a planar mobile robot to achieve the desired velocity based on PID control law in MATLAB.
  • Extended the controller to adapt to changes in the terrain slope, friction, and setpoint changes in the desired velocity.

Data Synchronization Via Firebase
(2020 July to 2020 Aug)[Code]

  • Implemented synchronization of textual data between an android device and a python script on the desktop PC using the Firebase Database in real-time.
  • Created a real-time database on the firebase console via browser. The application connects to the database on startup.

Development Tools


  C language





  Arduino IDE

  Mission Planner







  Jetson TX1 & TX2




Research Intern at TU Munich

May 2022 - Present

Munich, Germany

Robotics Intern at VECROS

December 2021 - February 2022

Delhi, India

Summer Intern at IvLabs

July 2020 - August 2020

Nagpur, India

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